I am confident that
the knowledge and skills we shall acquire for this school will be
crucial as we work to realize ours aspirations. According to this
week, I have been happy to see some fundamental connections between
formal theoritical physics and applied physics.
Certainly we have
seen a lot of things but I just want to talk about big bang theory
and Inflation in theory.
-Big Bang theory
In one split second
there was the Big Bang, and since then, most of Scientists said,
nothing is as before. They back in time and observe the space to
figure out what the big bang and what that spawned the phenomenon
that gave birth to the universe and time.
The Big Bang is not
over, we're still living it since the universe is still expanding.
Big bang theory was deduced from observations and reflection of
Hubble. Expanding our world has made such a phenomenal rate
that was forced to use the Planck time to study the Big Bang.
Indeed, only one
unit of Planck after the creation of our world, the four forces
governing our universe (gravity, electromagnetic force, strong
nuclear force and low) differed to implement the creative process.
Then an incredible fight to the death took place between matter and
antimatter formed almost in equal parts at the Big Bang. The material
that was not annihilated is the whole of this matter in our Universe.
-What about
Inflation, in theory ?
According to the
consensus theory in cosmology, the Universe expanded exponentially
during its first moments. That inflation explains a lot of observed
features of the cosmos, such as the remarkable uniformity of the CMB.
CMB is the Cosmic Microwave Background. However, inflation is less a
theory than a set of models with differences in details; worse still,
other theories produce similar predictions and match the observations
we have so far.
One possible way to
distinguish between models is the presence or absence of primordial
gravitational radiation. Inflation would have created substantial
fluctuations in the structure of space-time, with their strength and
properties depending on the details of the particular inflationary
model. However, though astronomers have known for decades that
gravitational waves exist, the evidence for them is indirect, so few
expect to measure primordial gravitational radiation directly in the
foreseeable future.
I'll give more
details in inflation on my next blog at the end of the weekend.
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